Working to improve mutual understanding between the Middle East and the West


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Nefertiti’s Daughters: Women, Art and Revolution

Thursday 6th February, 6.30pm, SOAS Brunei Lecture Theatre

Nefertiti’s Daughters is a story of women, art, and revolution. Told by prominent Egyptian artists, this documentary witnesses the critical role revolutionary street art played during the Egyptian uprisings. Focused on the role of women artists in the struggle for social and political change, it spotlights how the iconic graffiti of Queen Nefertiti placed her on the front lines in the ongoing fight for women’s rights and freedom in Egypt today.

After the screening of the film, Bahia Shehab, one of the featured artists, will be in conversation with Barbara Schwepcke, founder of Gingko.

Copies of At the Corner of a Dream: A Journey of Revolution and Resistance, which shows Shehab’s street art based on poetry by the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, will be available for purchase.

This event is open to the public and free to attend, however registration is required.