Working to improve mutual understanding between the Middle East and the West


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From Hafiz and Goethe to the Poets of A New Divan: A West-Eastern Dialogue in Poetry and Music

Bradford Literature Festival: Bradford Cathedral, 29 June

At this Bradford Literature Festival event in the beautiful Bradford Cathedral, Professor Eric Ormsby introduced the Divans of Hafiz and Goethe, and then a number of the contemporary poets contributing to Gingko’s A New Divan, including Fatemeh Shams and Mourid Barghouti, read their original compositions. The English-language versions of these new poems were read by Narguess Farzad and the British poet George Szirtes.

The conversation in poetry was matched by a musical dialogue drawing on Hafiz poems set to music by the composers Franz Schubert, Gottfried von Einem and Viktor Ullmann, performed by Simon Wallfisch and Craig White.